This or That: Orbit White Label #2 Vs Project Babylon Pale Ale.

Evening Beer Bellies. Due to general craziness at work and in life I haven’t been able to give this blog half as much attention as I would like to. I promise I haven’t forgotten about it. 
So a friend and I have a pretty aggressive competition going on Untapped, which brought to life this little unofficial ritual; after we finish our shifts, we run to the Craft Beer co High Holborn to grab two halves of something new just before they ding their last bell. Only the other night did I realise this is the perfect opportunity for a regular blog feature! Instead of oh-so-selfishly enjoying my beers and then heading off to Soho square with a few take-aways, I’ll briefly review my two halves, pit them against eachother and pick a winner. so, here’s to the first:

This or That?

Todays contenders:

Orbit: White Lable #2: Citra Kellerbier(4.9%) VS Gun Brewery: Project Babylon Pale Ale (4.9%)gunbreweryvsprbitI’ll be honest, I wasn’t raving about either of them. Both were pleasant enough but neither would I buy again.

Let’s start with the Orbit brew: It pours a hazy dark golden colour, with a citrusy, slightly herby aroma. The taste is similar to the smell, but I felt it smelled nicer than it tasted. There’s alot going on here, citrus fruits, wheat, bitters, bread and a light fizz. It’s quite dry on the palate which I do like but all in all I found it didn’t go down smoothly.

On to the Gun: pale golden/yellow colour, a lemony, slightly grainy aroma. Also quite dry on the tongue, the taste is crisp, with citric hops and hints of malt, also a light fizz. I found it to be quite refreshing but nothing worth blogging shouting about.

I think it’s pretty clear from my comments that the winner for me was the Project Babylon pale ale. Whilst I won’t be rushing out to buy it again, it was a tasty enjoyable brew, and went down much smoother than the Orbit.

Let me know if you agree!